Tuesday, July 5, 2011

and so it begins....

Stage 1:

Now that I found a penny and have converted it to the next dollar amount, I will start calling them stages. I chose to do this due to the fact that I am not on an aggressive path to double my penny within thirty days. I just want to see if it's actually possible to do. Of course keeping in mind the fact that the higher the dollar amount, the harder it will be to double.

The new chart that I have posted below compares the thirty days of doubling to my thirty stages of doubling.

How it works: I am to find a penny on the ground. By doing this, it eliminates receiving one from my own pocket or from family and friends (whom all think I am nuts BTW). I will then take the penny and begin to double its value by purchasing or bartering with it. I could also come up with some kind of project that allows growth in some way. The bottom line is that no matter what stage I am in at the time, I can only use that amount of money, which was gained from the prior stage.

As you can see above, I have already doubled my initial "investment" of a homeless penny. I found the penny and then purchased a beer bottle from a friend, of which I will turn in for the deposit money. This brings me to stage two with five cents, or "day 3" with a penny to spare. SO if I were only in it to follow the charts, I would need three more cents to achieve the next goal value.

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