Thursday, June 16, 2011

I struck it rich!....sorta

DAY 9:

I finally found a penny today...well my mom did. We we're walking out of a Uhaul store. regardless of location found, I now have my penny and will begin to try and double it. Realistically, this will not double everyday for thirty days, so I will simply track it by doubling it thirty times. So my first goal beginning yesterday will be to double the penny to two cents or better.

To begin this process, I will only use the original penny that was found. So for example, if I take that penny and purchase an empty soda can from someone, then take that can to the store and turn it in for the deposit...I will make five cents. This would suffice the first doubling of one cent to two cents, and two cents to four cents all at once! The next move would be to take that nickel and suffice the next level...simple enough right?.....well probably not, but I will keep my optimism.

Friday, June 10, 2011


DAY 4:

I still haven't found a penny. I haven't been looking at every inch of ground I see, but usually I run across "dirty ground" money all of the time, and now that I want to work with it in some way, this result plagues me. Geez!

In the meantime, I will start to figure out how I will make this penny double when I do find it.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Starting off skeptical

DAY 0:

I decided today, after seeing a Today show segment, that I am going to do the Penny Doubling project. This is a simple concept, but a potentially complicated process. In my next post, I will explain the whole process and begin to explain how I intend to make this happen. For now though, I must first find a penny. Statistically this is supposed to only take a week or less, but we will see.